Friday, May 2, 2008

Random Things


These are the 7 guys who were nominated for the Mr. Tiger Paegant (left to right Colton I, Mitch H, Kason H, Ben H, Justin J, Luke J, and Mckay B) Each guy had to answer a question and then all of them did a dance. I can describe there dancing in one word..... FUNNY!!! Colton Iverson was the winner....but in my opinion i think that Mckay Butler should have one it. The reason why i think that, is because he had best answer EVER! His question was Where do you wanna get married or Whats your dream wedding? And before they could even finish the question he took the microphone and this is what he said, "The temple....duh!" That minute every girl in the gym was like...AW!!! I wanna marry him!!! :) It was a great assembly!


This is a picture of my two favorite girls.... Devina aka Devin Campbell and Benna aka Ben Holmes. They dressed up for a school thing and as strange as it seems they looked pretty good in dress (only cuz they have little butts and nicely shaved legs! lol) When i asked Ben who he borrowed his dress from he said his little sister who was at the time 11 years old! all i can say is.. WOW! They did the whole make-up thingy and they even wore high heels! At the end of the day they were crying cuz there feet hurt. They both told me that they now have respect for the girls that wear high heels to school and dont complain!

Me & My Best Buddy:

This photo was taken at this years Preference Dance, Mardi Gras (the theme) At each table they had masks in the center of the table as center piece. So while Chance's date was out getting a drink and my date Josh was swing dancing with one of our friends, Chance and I hurried and picked our favorite mask and we took this amazing picture!! That night was one of the greatest nights I have ever had! That night i learned how to swing dance with Josh, i took some pretty freakin sweet pictures with Chance, Got to listen to Josh sing everysong he knew while we danced and just being there in that pretty white dress with the most HANDSOME man in the world! (Josh, Thank You for being such a great date! You made my whole night by being my date!!)


This is a picture of one of my bestest guy friends in the whole entire world! I dont even know where to start...Chance has always been the guy i can just open up and talk to without feeling stupid. He always knows how to cheer me up even when I am having the worst day ever! One day for example I called him and told him i needed him to cheer me up and so i was wondering if he would come over and play his guitar and sing for me...He was excited that i would ask and he came over after school and sang about 6 songs (which i recorded and listen to everyday...they are amazing!) I almost cried listening to him sing and play because he is so talented! Chance is such a fun guy to be around and i love the kid!! THANKS CHANCE FOR EVERYTHING!!! You are always welcome to come over and play the guitar and sing for me! :)


Claire said...

Haha! That was a fun post to read and remember. We really do have a fun class. They're all mostly good kids.

Terra said...

I remember that Mr. Tiger answer. I was even impressed, but you forgot that he added a square cake. The temple and a square cake. It totally cracked me up.